Cumquats in Brandy with SlimSweet™ Monk Fruit

Cumquats in Brandy with SlimSweet™ Monk Fruit


Citrus fruit is abundant in winter. I was lucky enough to have a friend with a cumquat tree that was laden with fruit, so I have prepared several jars of brandied cumquats for friends this Christmas.  As this fruit does go out of season, we have also added an alternative recipe using oranges, below.



  1. Prepare your sterilised jars.
  2. Wash and dry your cumquats really well.  It is important to prick each one several times with a fine skewer or thick needle, so that the sweetened brandy can penetrate through the skin.
  3. Mix the brandy with the Slim Sweet™ Monk Fruit sweetener.  This will not be completely dissolved, so stir again before pouring over the cumquats.
  4. Place cumquats, cinnamon and vanilla extract into a sterilised jar; pour over enough of the combined sugar and brandy to cover cumquats completely. Seal.
  5. Stand the jars in a cool, dark place for at least 2 months before using. Tip the jars upside down every few days to help dissolve the Slimsweet Monk Fruit sweetener. 
  6. Delicious served with whipped cream or decadent homemade icecream , sugar free of course.  You can drink the cumquat brandy as a liqueur.


Wash jars and lids in hot soapy water, rinse well and place lids upside down on a wire rack to dry. Place jars on paper lined baking tray right side up. Place in cold oven and turn heat to 120°C/100°C fan-forced. Heat for 30 minutes.  You can also place clean jars and lids upside-down in a dishwasher and put through a wash-dry cycle without detergent. Use the jars hot from the dishwasher.

Brandied Oranges


  • 6 oranges, preferably organic
  • 150ml water
  • ½ cup Slim Sweet™ Monk Fruit sweetener
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • ¾ cup brandy


  1. Prepare your sterilised jars.
  2. Wash and dry your oranges really well. Pat dry.  Peel the zest of 2 of the oranges and set aside to add later.
  3. Peel the other 4 oranges and remove every trace of pith from all 6 oranges.  Slice the oranges and arrange in the sterilised jars.
  4. Place the water, Slim Sweet™ Monk Fruit and cinnamon sticks into a small saucepan, and bring to the boil.  Cook for 2 minutes.  Remove from the heat and leave to cool.
  5. Add the reserved orange zest and brandy to the syrup and stir well.  Cut each cinnamon stick into 3 – 4 pieces with a sharp knife and return to the pan.
  6. Pour the syrupy liquid over the oranges until they are completely covered and seal the jars.  Place in a cool, dark place for at least a month before using.
  7. Delicious served with whipped cream or decadent homemade icecream , sugar free of course.  You can drink the orange brandy as a liqueur.
