Top fermented foods to get you started!

fermented foods, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal

Top fermented foods to get you started!


There is a lot of talk about fermented foods reducing heart disease risk and aiding in digestion, immunity, and weight loss. They also provide health benefits such as anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anti-atherosclerotic activity. Fermented foods are an excellent addition to a healthy diet and add tang and zest to your meals.

You can make your own fermented foods, so here is our guide to some of the top fermented products commonly available to get you started and encouraged to make your own.

Fermented Foods to Try

1. Kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk product that tastes like a sour drinking yogurt. Kefir benefits include high levels of vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K2, biotin, folate, enzymes and probiotics.  It boosts immunity, heals irritable bowel disease, builds bone density, fights allergies, kills candida and improves digestion.

2. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is one of the oldest traditional foods. Made from fermented cabbage, it’s high in dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and B vitamins. It’s also a great source of iron, copper, calcium, sodium, manganese and magnesium. Sauerkraut has a variety of beneficial effects on human health; it boosts digestive health, aids circulation, fights inflammation, strengthens bones and reduces cholesterol levels.

3. Pickles

Pickles contain loads and vitamins and minerals, plus antioxidants and gut-friendly bacteria.

4. Miso

Miso is created by fermenting soybean, barley or brown rice with koji, a fungus. Miso has anti-aging properties and helps to maintain healthy skin. It also boosts the immune system, lowers the risk of cancer, improves bone health and promotes a healthy nervous system.

5. Tempeh

Tempeh, which is a soybean product, is created by adding a tempeh starter (which is a mix of live mold). When it sits for a day or two, it becomes a firm cake-like product. Tempeh reduces cholesterol, increases bone density, reduces menopausal symptoms, promotes muscle recovery and has the same protein quality as meat. It contains high levels of vitamins B5, B6, B3 and B2.

6. Natto

Natto is a popular dish in Japan consisting of fermented soybeans. It contains the extremely powerful probiotic bacillus subtilis, which has been proven to support the immune system and cardiovascular health; it also enhances the digestion of vitamin K2.

7. Kimchi

Kimchi is a traditional fermented Korean dish that is made from vegetables including cabbage, plus spices and seasoning. This Korean delicacy dates back to the 7th century. It’s known to improve cardiovascular and digestive health. It has high levels of antioxidants that reduce the risk of serious health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and gastric ulcers.

8. Raw Cheese

Raw milk cheeses are made with milk that hasn’t been pasteurized. Goat milk, sheep milk and A2 cows soft cheeses are particularly high in probiotics, including thermophillus, bifudus, bulgaricus and acidophilus. Probiotics benefits include healing digestive issues, neurological disorders and mental health problems; plus, probiotics boost the immune system and destroy harmful bacteria.

9. Yogurt

Probiotic yogurt is the most consumed fermented dairy product in the United States today.  A meta-analysis funded by the National Institutes of Health has linked one serving of yogurt each day to a 17-18% decreased risk of getting Type II Diabetes.  http://(

The most important factor when buying yogurt is the sugar content. ALWAYS, read the label. Yogurt can range from 4 grams of sugar per serving to 28 grams of sugar per serving! Buy plain natural yogurt. You can always sweeten it yourself with a teaspoon of Perfect Sweet™ xylitol or SlimSweet™ Monkfruit Sweetener.

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